Recipe Development, Food Photography, Food Videos
I would love to work with your brand to create recipes using your products and photograph dishes for use on packaging, your website, or other uses as agreed upon. Long-term relationships/projects with brands are preferred. Please contact me for more details at [email protected].
Reviews & Giveaways
I am available to write about product reviews and share giveaways with companies and brands that I believe in or think would be a good fit and high value for my readers.
I am available to represent or accompany brands on trips as a travel/food writer and photographer. I love to share my experiences on the road with my readers.
I would be more than thrilled to represent your brand and travel to various events/conferences, headquarters, touring facilities, etc. and share my experiences with my readers through blog posts, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Freelance Food Writing
I am available to write editorial content for your website or various publications.
Feel free to email me at [email protected] for more details!
I am sometimes compensated to work with brands and companies and am involved in various other food-related projects. I do not accept payment to publish positive feedback on a product. All opinions in my written posts are entirely my own.