This post was sponsored by Fresh From Florida as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central, however all opinions expressed are my own.
I guess I am now officially a Floridian, I have been living here for almost 3 years now! Wow where does the time go? I don’t really know how long you have to live in Florida to become a Floridian, is there a rule for this?
Anyway, I’m loving all of the fresh foods I can get year round here. It’s definitely a change from living in land locked Minnesota.
I go to the grocery store probably 4-5 times a week, I know I’m obsessed with food. 🙂
The reason I go so often is because I always love to have fresh fruit and veggies on hand, and I like to buy them as I need them so they don’t get spoiled.
I always buy local when I can, because I believe we should all support our local farmers. So of course I look for the foods that are labeled
Sometimes I mix up the morning routine and make a bowl of
My second fav would have to be Kale, yep!
Kale is an amazing Superfood that you can get year round here in Florida, and is perfect for this
My third favorite food is Lemons.
I use Lemons every single day to put in my drinking water. There’s never a shortage of Lemons here in Florida, thank goodness!
I also use them to make salad dressing as well, like this
My fourth favorite food is Tilapia.
I just love going to the grocery stores here to get fresh fish! They even label the fish, so you know exactly where it came from. I always choose the fish from Florida, that way I know it’s super fresh.
I like to make a healthy
My fifth fav would have to be Chicken.
I like to use my Slow Cooker as much as I can in the winter. One of my favorite Chicken dishes to make are these
There are also many delicious recipes on the Fresh From Florida website that I encourage you all to try. They also have some cool recipe videos as well, check out their Facebook page for more as well as their Twitter page ~ Follow The Fresh!
Cheers friends!
Shruti Singh says
In winter many times immunity power decreased due to cold which results in illness. Eating healthy food in such cold can help us to stay fit and gain immunity power. I am obliged for this article, it is helpful to survive through cold.